elonioumess | Дата: Вторник, 2013-07-30, 00:26:04 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Гости
| All of these doors, when closed, are good barriers to products of combustion. The gypsum core fire-rated door provides more resistance to fire than the http://kran.site90.com particle-board core fire-rated door. The nonfire-rated wood door provides minimal http://stroitel.webatu.com resistance to fire and will burn through during its testing before the minimum time required for any fire rating. We must remember during firefighting operations that any door can provide the building's occupants (and firefighters) with some protection against smoke and heat. Close doors that you find open unless they are needed for your exit, the passage of hoselines, or for ventilation. We must also remember that the tests for fire resistance are based on the time-temperature curve for cellulose-based materials; today's furnishings of plastics and synthetic materials, with higher energy content and a higher http://buildinggg.comeze.com rate of heat release than cellulose, may cause fire-rated door and frame assemblies to fail before their rated time. Door and frame assemblies with fire door listing labels indicate the presence of fire-rated wall assemblies which divide a building into sections for fire protection purposes. This information deserves a note on our preincident plan for the building. During a serious fire, these fire-rated wall assemblies http://bestish.net78.net can become defensive lines: the part of the building on one side of the wall might have to be sacrificed to protect the larger or more valuable part of the building on the other side of the wall. http://build.net84.net
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qsh7ytjx7b8 | Дата: Четверг, 2013-12-05, 07:55:31 | Сообщение # 2 |
Группа: Гости
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